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Matt & Thanita Blauer

International Missions Sunday: Our partners in mission from Thailand discuss their life, work and heart for gospel work among Buddhists. Special highlight: Thanita shares about her conversion from Buddhism to Christ. 

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Loving the life God has given you to live

1. Work With God: Matthew 11:28-30 2. Work Within the Boundaries God has Set: Genesis 2:7-8,15-17 3. Work With Your Hands: Thessalonians 4:9-12 4. Work Quietly: 2nd Thessalonians 3:11-12 5. Keep Working: Psalms 92:10-14 Issues discussed: -God saved and overcame the world…go pour yourself a glass of wine.  -It’s not all on your shoulders…go ahead […]

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Jesus & the End of Religion

1. Moving from dry to drinking (John 4:7) 2. Moving from receiving to possessing: (4:6-7,11-15) 3. Moving from tools to demonstration (4:11) 4. Moving from information/theology about God to encountering God. (4:19,24-25) 5. Moving from temple/priests/place/procedure to….presence/anyone/anywhere (4:21-23) 6. Supernatural seasons (4:36)

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Mission Shaped Disciples Part 2

The woman at the well, the Spirit & Revival John 4:27-42 1. Mission Shaped Disciples understand the priority of person over place 2. Mission Shaped Disciples understand the balance between Spirit & Truth 3. Mission Shaped Disciples challenge but never condemn 4. Mission Shaped Disciples are led not driven 5. Mission Shaped Disciples are moved […]

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7 Marks of Mission Shaped Disciples

Part one of a two part message on the vision and values of mission shaped disciples. This is a refresher course on who we are, where we are going and why we do what we do at Jacob’s Well Church. Essential content for those coming from traditional churches to understand the important distinctives between an […]

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Reading Revelation Responsibly: Part 1

“How to avoid making a mess of the message of the New Testament’s only apocalyptic book.” Part One: 7 Essentials for Climbing Mt. Revelation “It is scarce possible for any who either love or fear God not to feel their hearts extremely affected in seriously reading Revelation…I by no means pretend to understand or explain all […]

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10 postures of mission the church must have to respond to the challenge of world missions today. 1. Moving from Fear to Fatih 2. Moving from Apathy to Obedience 3. Moving from Paralyzed to Prayerful 4. Moving from Acceptance to Expectation 5. Moving from Complacent to Compassionate 6. Moving from Privileged to Generous 7. Moving […]

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The Oracles of Amos

In this sermon, we look at the four primary prophetic messages Amos brought to the people of God and surrounding nations: Destruction, Desecration, Disobedience, Dependance(trust) We beautify our homes….but not our hearts. We betray our brothers…instead of showing mercy and forgiveness. We brutalize….instead of build up others. We use others to get what we want. […]

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